Matthew Pelly | 1977 - 2018

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we have lost our beloved friend Matt. It is hard to compute a world without you in it, your beauty and kindness was immeasurable. In this achingly painful time remembering you, you still manage to be a beacon of light. For you Matt, we will try and be better people. For you Matt, we will try and make more people smile and for you Matt, we will follow our hearts and love harder.

We will never forget you. We are sending all of our love to the Pelly family. Matt was Matt because of all of you. He was the fruit of all of your love.

Here are Matts 7 tracks that he created for us last year, it's amazing how close you feel to him. We love you Matt.



1. Where do you live? Peckham obvs.

2. What do you do? Make films, drink wine, talk bollocks.

3. What would your perfect day consist of? Sangria, park, movie, go home.

4. Are you a morning or night person? Night.

5. Do you think you own more than 7.5 pairs of socks (answer quickly)? Yes.

6. Beloved old trainers/bright new kicks? Just bought a pair of stiff brown boots that are quickly becoming the best thing I’ve ever worn/worn.

7. Coffee/Tea/Decaffeinated/Nothing? Coffee or chai, duh I live in peckham!

8. What do you find relaxing? The sea.

9. Ale/Lager/Cider/Cocktails/Wine/Teetotal? Craft beer...Peckham.

10. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Love, fear, apoplexy.
